Collecting and Heritage News

Olympic Torch Relay Logo Pins

11301131May 14 - Some of you may have spotted the two Olympic Torch Relay logo pins that have been listed on eBay and appeared at a retailer. These pins will be officially released this week to coincide with the start of the torch relay in the UK.

Pin Traders Pack

By Paul McGill

May 10 - There is a new pin product available at the London 2012 shop at St Pancras - the Pin Trader's Pack. This is a sealed pack which contains 5 pins from a range of 30 designs all for £15.

Flags, Hats and Hearts

May 2 - A new series of pins has been announced today and they all feature the popular Union Flag theme. The first are a set of 3 flag/logo pins pairing the Union Flag with the Olympic Games logo in white and flag colours and also with the Paralympic Game slog in white.